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Ph.D. Elda Vitanovic



Original scientific and review papers in CC journals (a1):

  1. Mavro Lučić, Maja Jukić Špika, Nevenka Mikac, Filip Pošćić, Zed Rengel, Marija Romić, Helena Bakić Begić, Željka Fiket, Martina Furdek Turk, Niko Bačić, Renata Leder, Ivana Vladimira Petric, Branimir Urlić, Mirella Žanetić, Marko Runjić, Gabriela Vuletin Selak, Elda Vitanović, Tatjana Klepo, Jakša Rošin, Slavko Perica. Traceability of Croatian extra virgin olive oils to the provenance soils by multielement and carbon isotope composition and chemometrics. Food Chemistry. 2023; Volume 424:136401, ISSN 0308-8146. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodchem.2023.136401
  2. Veršić Bratinčević M., Bego A., Nižetić Kosović I., Jukić Špika M., Burul F., Popović M., Ninčević Runjić T., Vitanović E. A Lifetime of a Dispenser-Release Rates of Olive Fruit Fly-Associated Yeast Volatile Compounds and Their Influence on Olive Fruit Fly (Bactrocera oleae Rossi) Attraction. Molecules. 2023; 28(6):2431. https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules28062431
  3. Popović M., Burčul F., Veršić Bratinčević M., Režić Mužinić N., Skroza D., Frleta Matas R., Nazlić M., Ninčević Runjić T., Jukić Špika M., Bego A., Dunkić V., Vitanović E. In the Beginning Was the Bud: Phytochemicals from Olive (Olea europaea L.) Vegetative Buds and Their Biological Properties. Metabolites. 2023; 13(2):237. https://doi.org/10.3390/metabo13020237
  4. Jukić Špika M., Liber Z., Montemurro C., Miazzi M.M., Ljubenkov I., Soldo B., Žanetić M., Vitanović E., Politeo O., Škevin D. Quantitatively Unraveling Hierarchy of Factors Impacting Virgin Olive Oil Phenolic Profile and Oxidative Stability. Antioxidants. 2022; 11(3):594. https://doi.org/10.3390/antiox11030594
  5. Bego A., Burul, F., Popović M., Jukić Špika M., Veršić Bratinčević M., Pošćić F., Vitanović E. Bactrocera oleae (Rossi) (Diptera: Tephritidae) Response to Different Blends of Olive Fruit Fly-Associated Yeast Volatile Compounds as Attractants. Agronomy. 2022; 12(1):72. https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy12010072
  6. Popović M., Jukić Špika M., Veršić Bratinčević M., Ninčević T., Matešković A., Mandušić M., Rošin J., Nazlić M., Dunkić V., Vitanović E. Essential Oil Volatile Fingerprint Differentiates Croatian cv. Oblica from Other Olea europaea L. Cultivars. Molecules 2021, 26(12), 3533.  https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules26123533
  7. Vitanović E., Lopez J.M., Aldrich J.R., Jukić Špika M., Boundy-Mills K., Zalom F.G. Yeasts Associated with the Olive Fruit Fly Bactrocera oleae (Rossi) (Diptera: Tephritidae) Lead to New Attractants. Agronomy 202010, 1501. doi.org/10.3390/agronomy10101501 https://www.mdpi.com/2073-4395/10/10/1501
  8. Pošćić F., Žanetić M., Fiket Ž. et al. (2020). Accumulation and partitioning of rare earth elements in olive trees and extra virgin olive oil from Adriatic coastal region. Plant Soil, 448(1-2), pp 133-151. doi:10.1007/s11104-019-04418-x
  9. Vitanović E., Aldrich J.R., Boundy-Mills K., Čagalj M., Ebeler S.E., Burrack H., Zalom G.F. (2019) Olive Fruit Fly, Bactrocera oleae (Diptera: Tephritidae), Attraction to Volatile Compounds Produced by Host and Insect-Associated Yeast Strains. Journal of Economic Entomology, 113(2), pp 752-759. doi:10.1093/jee/toz341
  10. Vitanović E., Aldrich J., Winterton S., Boundy-Mills K., Lopez J., Zalom F. (2019) Attraction of the Green Lacewing Chrysoperla comanche (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) to Yeast. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 45(4). pp 388-391. DOI 10.1007/s10886-019-01060-w. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10886-019-01060-w
  11. Vitanović E., Ivezić M., Kačić S., Katalinić M., Durbešić P., Igrc Barčić J. (2018) Arthropod communities within the olive canopy as bioindicators of different management systems. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, 16(2), e0301. https://doi.org/10.5424/sjar/2018162-12385. http://revistas.inia.es/index.php/sjar/article/view/12385
  12. Zanetic M., Cerretani L., Skevin D., Politeo O., Vitanovic E., Jukic Spika M., Perica S., Ozic M. (2013) Influence of polyphenolic compounds on the oxidative stability of virgin olive oils from selected autochthonous varieties. Journal of Food Agriculture & Environment 11(1). pp 126-131. http://www.isfae.org/scientficjournal/2013/issue1/food/24.pdf
  13. Vitanovic E., Katalinic M., Kacic S., Zanetic M., Milos B., Radinovic S. (2010) The content and correlation of copper, iron and zinc in the surface layer of Croatian vineyard soils. Journal of Food Agriculture & Environment 8(¾). pp 1140-1146. https://www.cabdirect.org/cabdirect/abstract/20113031009
  14. Vitanovic E., Vidacek Z., Katalinic M., Kacic S., Milos B. (2010) Copper in Surface Layer of Croatian Vineyard Soils. Journal of Food Agriculture & Environment, 8(1). pp 268-274. https://www.bib.irb.hr/441345

Scientific papers in other journals (a2):

  1. Žanić K. , Mandušić M., Dumičić G., Matešković A., Cukrov M., Vitanović E., Gotlin Čuljak T. (2021) Insecticide resistance in Trialeurodes vaporariorum populations from Adriatic Croatia region. Acta Horticulturae, 1320: 275-281. DOI. 10.17660/ActaHortic.2021.1320.36
  2. Sito A., Runjic M., Okic A., Vitanovic E. (2017) Investigation of fire blight (Erwinia amylovora (Burrill) Winslow et al.) appearance in central Bosnia. // WORKS OF THE FACULTY OF AGRICULTURE AND FOOD SCIENCES UNIVERSITY OF SARAJEVO. 67(2). pp 271-279.
  3. Bazok R., Dminic I., Vitanovic E. (2012) Olive moth – Prays oleae Bern. Glasilo biljne zaštite, 12(4). pp 277-284.
  4. Katalinic M., Vitanovic E., Zanic K. (2012) Olive borer – Hylesinus oleiperda Fabricius 1799. Glasilo biljne zaštite, 12(4). pp 332-335.
  5. Vitanovic E., Katalinic M., Zanic K., Skaljac M. (2012) Jasmine moth – olive shoots white moth, Margaronia (Palpita) unionalis Hubner. Glasilo biljne zaštite, 12(4). pp 313-318.
  6. Zanic K., Skaljac M., Vitanovic E., Katalinic M. (2012) Ash whitefly, Siphoninus phillyreae – the pest of olive in nursery production. Glasilo biljne zaštite, 4. pp 308-312.
  7. Zanic K., Skaljac M., Vitanovic E., Katalinic M. (2012) Woolly whitefly, Aleurothrixus floccosus (Maskell) – the newer citrus pest in Croatia. Glasilo biljne zaštite, 5. pp 399-404.
  8. Katalinic M., Kacic S., Vitanovic E., Pesnjardo A. (2012) The efficiency of some formulations on carpophagous generation of olive moth (Prays oleae Bern.). Fragmenta phytomedica et herbologica, 31(1-2). pp 104-109.
  9. Zanetic M., Skevin D., Vitanovic E., Jukic Spika M., Perica S. (2011) Survey on phenolic compounds and sensorial profile of dalmatian virgin olive oils. Pomologia Croatica: glasilo Hrvatskog agronomskog društva, 17(1-2). pp 19-30.
  10. Kacic S., Vitanovic E., Zanic K., Katalinic M. (2009) Control of the (Otiorhynchus sulcatus F.) weevil in protected cultivation. Glasilo biljne zaštite, 3. pp 153-157.
  11. Vitanovic E., Vidacek Z., Kacic S., Katalinic M. (2008) Contamination of Kaštela Bay vineyard soils with heavy metals. Agronomski glasnik, 3. pp 237-246.
  12. Katalinic M., Kacic S., Vitanovic E., Zanic K. (2007) Possibility of applying certan plant protection products to flower crops. Glasilo biljne zaštite, 7, 4. pp 230-234.
  13. Vitanovic E., Katalinic M., Kacic S., Zanic K. (2007) Use of kaolin clay protection against olive fly. Glasilo biljne zaštite, 4. pp 241-243.
  14. Zanic K., Kacic S., Vitanovic E., Katalinic M. (2007) Siphoninus phillyreae – a pest of olive and pear in Dalmatia. Glasilo biljne zaštite, 4. pp 237-240.

Scientific papers in conference proceedings with international review (a3):

  1. Zanetic M., Curin E.M., Vitanovic E., Jukic Spika M. (2016) Helth promoting and sensory properties of croatian monovarietal virgin olive oils. Proceedings – Natural resources, green technology and sustainable development – GREEN/2, Zagreb: Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology, University of Zagreb, Croatia. pp 38-42.
  2. Cagalj M., Strikic F., Vitanovic E., Ivankovic M. (2015) Increasing agricultural production with irrigation systems in Imotsko – bekijsko field. Zbornik radova 50. Hrvatski i 10. Međunarodni Simpozij Agronoma / Milan Pošpišil (ur.), Zagreb : Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Agronomski fakultet, Zagreb, Hrvatska. pp 133-137.
  3. Jukic Spika M., Zanetic M., Pinatel C., Vitanovic E., Strikic F. (2013) Fatty acid and triacylglycerol profile of Levantinka virgin olive oil. Zbornik radova i sazetaka 14. Ruzickini dani, Danas znanost – sutra industrija / Jukic, Ante (ur.), Osijek, Hrvatska. pp 213-219.
  4. Zanetic M., Cerretani L., Skevin D., Perica S., Vitanovic E., Jukic Spika M. (2012) Relationship between phenolic content and oxidative stability in dalmatian virgin olive oils. Proceedings of the 6th Central European Congress on Food, Novi Sad, Srbija. pp 74-79.
  5. Vitanovic E., Zanetic M., Kacic S., Katalinic M., Jukic Spika M., Gomezelj I. (2011) Use of Copper Fungicides Against Olive Leaf Spot and Possible Cu Traces in Olive Oil”. 4 th International Conference on Olive Culture and Biotechnology of Olive Tree Products Proceedings – Olivebioteq. pp 291-295.
  6. Vitanovic E., Vidacek, Z., Katalinic M., Kacic S. (2008) Contamination of Kastela Bay wine-growing soils with heavy metals. 2nd Mediterranean Conference of Organic Agriculture Proceedings / Jost, Marijan; Miljkovic, Ivo (ur.), Dubrovnik, Croatia. pp 131-141.
  7. Vitanovic E., Vidacek Z., Katalinic M., Kacic S., Milos B. (2008) Copper, iron and zinc in surface layer of Primosten vineyard soils. VII Conngres International des terroirs viticoles Proceedings. pp 125-131.
  8. Vitanovic E., Vidacek Z., Katalinic M., Kacic S., Milos B. (2007) Copper in vineyard soils of Primosten wine-growing location. XV International Symposium Proceedings. pp 472-480.

Abstracts in conference proceedings:

  1. Matešković, A., Popović, M., Ninčević, T., Jukić Špika, M., Veršić Bratinčević, M., Mandušić, M., Rošin, J., Vitanović, E. (2021) Hlapive tvari masline – mogući atraktanti štetnika masline
  2. Mandušić, M., Matešković, A., Cukrov, M., Vitanović, E., Gotlin Čuljak, T., Juran, I., Žanić, K. (2020) Osjetljivost populacija kupusnog štitastog moljca na insekticide. 
  3. Mandušić, M., Matešković, A., Cukrov, M., Vitanović, E., Gotlin Čuljak, T., Juran, I., Žanić, K. (2020) Otpornost populacija stakleničkog štitastog moljca na insekticide u priobalnom dijelu Hrvatske.
  4. Juran, I., Mandušić, M., Matešković, A., Cukrov, M., Vitanović, E., Žanić, K., Gotlin Čuljak, T. (2020) Sensitivity of the Western Flower Thrips (Frankliniella occidentalis Pergande, 1895) to insecticides.
  5. Vitanović, E., Lopez, J.M., Aldrich J.R., Jukić Špika, M., Boundy-Mills, K., Zalom, F.G. (2019) Olive fruit fly, Bactrocera oleae (Rossi) attraction to insect-associated yeasts.
  6. Juran, I., Gotlin Čuljak, T., Žanić, K., Mandušić, M., Vitanović, E. (2019) Insecticides Susceptibility of the Most Important Pests in Greenhouse Vegetable Production in Croatia.
  7. Mandušić M., Žanić K., Vitanović E., Matešković A., Urlić B., Dumičić G. (2019) Cijepljenje – dio integriranog sustava zaštite rajčice od štitastih moljaca.
  8. Aldrich J.R., Vitanovic E., Winterton S.L., Zalom F.G. (2018) Green Lacewing (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae: Chrysoperla) Attraction to Yeast.
  9. Vitanović E., Ivezić M., Kačić S., Katalinić M., Durbešić P., Igrc Barčić J. (2018) Agricultural management systems affect arthropod community in olive canopy.
  10. Petric I.V.,  Leder R., Jukić Špika M., Žanetić M., Vitanović E., Vuletin Selak G.,  Rošin J.,  Šimon S.,  Rengel Z.,  Perica S. (2017) Contribution of δ13C Data as an Authenticity Marker of Croatian Olive Oils.
  11. Žanetić M., Čurin E.M., Vitanović E., Jukić Špika M.  (2016) Health promoting and sensory properties of Croatian monovarietal virgin olive oils.
  12. Aldrich J.R.,  Vitanovic E., Zalom F.G.  (2016) Yeasts vis-à-vis chemical ecology of green lacewings (Neuroptera: Chrisopidae).
  13. Vitanovic E., Boundy-Mills K., Ebeler S., Polaskova P., Burrack H.J., Aldrich J.R., Flynn D., Zalom F.G. (2016) Bactrocera oleae Gmel. responses to volatile compounds from yeasts associated with olives and olive fruit fly.
  14. Vitanovic E., Boundy-Mills K., Burrack H.J., Aldrich J.R., Zalom, F.G. (2016) Multi-trophic association of olive fruit, yeasts and olive fruit fly (Bactrocera oleae Gmel.) with possible implications for pest management.
  15. Zanetic M., Jukic Spika M., Vitanovic E. (2015) Sensory analysis of virgin olive oils – useful tool for creation of extra added value.
  16. Vitanovic E., Katalinic M., Zanetic M., Jukic Spika M., Gomezelj I. (2013) Influence of treatment period on the olive leaf spot with copper fungicide on the olive oil quality.
  17. Zanetic M., Cerretani L., Del Carlo M., Vitanovic E., Jukic Spika M., Perica S. (2011) Survey on phenolic compounds and sensorial profile of Croatian virgin olive oils.
  18. Dminic I., Kacic S., Bazok R., Igrc Barcic J., Vitanovic E. (2010) Comparison of three models for predicting emergence patterns of the olive moth, Prays oleae Bern. (Lepidoptera: Yponomeutidae) in two regions of Croatia.
  19. Zanetic M., Cerretani L., Del Carlo M., Perica S., Skevin D., Vitanovic E., Jukic Spika M. (2010) Minor polar compound and fatty acid analyses in monocultivar Croatian virgin olive oils.
  20. Katalinic M., Kacic S., Vitanovic E. (2009) Efficiency of diatomaceous earth and Runner in olive moth protection.
  21. Vitanovic E., Kacic S., Katalinic M., Ivanovic A. (2009) Comparison of different attractant lures for olive fly monitoring.
  22. Kacic S., Vitanovic E., Katalinic M., Zanic K. (2008) Control of Peacock Spot (Spilocea oleaginea Cast.) in environmental olive production.
  23. Katalinic M., Kacic S., Vitanovic E. (2008) Utjecaj intenzivne agrotehnike na pojavu štetočinja u masliniku.
  24. Vitanovic E., Katalinic M. (2007) Use of Kaolin Clay against Olive Fly.
  25. Vitanovic E., Katalinic M., Kacic S. (2007) Use of kaolin Clay Protection Against Olive Fly.
  26. Kacic S., Katalinic M., Zanic K., Vitanovic E. (2006) The issue of control of Peacock spot (Spilocaea oleaginea Cast.) in konventional and ecological olive production.
  27. Kacic S., Mindoljevic N., Zanic K., Vitanovic E., Katalinic M. (2006) Otiorrhyncus sulcatus – a new pest in indoor production.
  28. Kacic S., Vitanovic E., Katalinic M., Zanic K. (2006) The issue of control of Peacock spot (Spilocaea oleaginea Cast.) in ecological olive production.
  29. Katalinic M., Kacic S., Zanic K., Vitanovic E. (2005) Significance of parasitoides in the reduction of Olive Bark beetle.
  30. Kacic S., Zanic K., Katalinic M., Vitanovic E. (2004) Monitoring of Citrus Leafminer population dynamic.
  31. Katalinic M., Kacic S., Zanic K., Vitanovic E. (2002) Olive integrated pest management in the County of Split-Dalmatia.


Vitanovic E. (2012) Use of Cu Fungicides in Vineyards and Olive Groves / Fungicides for Plant and Animal Diseases / D. Dhanasekaran, N. Thajuddin and A. Panneerselvam (ur.). In Tech. pp 281-298.

Katalinic M., Kacic S., Vitanovic E. (2009) Bolesti i stetnici masline. Poljoprivredno-nakladnicka zadruga: Agroknjiga, Split, Hrvatska. pp 1-88.